Busting Addiction and Its Myths

Mini Series 13 - A Daily Reprieve

SafeHouse Rehab Thailand Season 113 Episode 12

One of the things we talk about in our recovery is the idea of “one day at a time”.  This is a greater challenge for many in early recovery than it appears. While in treatment, we were kept very busy, and we were super-focused on what we needed to do that day.

  1. Once treatment is over, or for those who just came in the from the cold without treatment, you need to be conscious of the importance of the “daily reprieve” because that is all you ever get.
  2. I once told a guy I was sponsoring that he could stay sober forever if he stayed sober today. He says: “Why is that boss?” I said that he could stay sober forever because it’s always today. It is not yesterday or tomorrow. It’s today. The eternal Now. The reprieve is just for today, not for tomorrow.
  3. Therefore, it becomes important that those just starting out by creating a daily schedule – I call it a personalized set of rituals – that keeps you on track every day.
  4. An example that works for many, me included, is to start the day with the 3d and 7th step prayer, followed by a reading of the Daily Reflection. I like to read the “On awakening” section on page 86-88 of the Big Book to get my head further into the game.
  5. Attending a 12-step meeting (in my case, it’s AA) several times a week is critical. That’s where Fellowship comes in. That’s where you can share freely, make true friends and learn how others work the program. It cures loneliness and isolation, one of the main enemies of recovery.
  6. Then there is reading something from the literature every day. If you're new to AA, start at the beginning and read the first 164 pages of the Big Book. Then read them over again a few times. Take a look at the inside the front cover of the Big Book. There is a list of great literature which you can order from www.aa.org
  7. It’s important that you stay in touch with your sponsor who will help guide you through the days and weeks. Work with him or her to create your daily and weekly plan. Your sponsor will help you build a solid foundation for life, one day at a time.